
You must be registered in order to participate!

Details we will need for the registering include...

  1. Your Full Name
  2. Your Email Address
  3. Your Wallet Address
  4. Your Date Of Birth
  5. Your Country
  6. Your Street
  7. Your City
  8. Your Postcode/ZipCode
  9. Your Upload Government Issued Picture Identification
  10. Your Number of cases you would like to buy
  11. Your Method of payment
  12. Optional comment or question

Contact us on Twitter if you have any questions.

Unique and Futuristic


CaskCoin Belfast Limied is issuing asset backed ERC 20 utility token, on behalf of Titanic Distillers. Each token will represent legal ownership of a case each of whiskey.

Asset Backed

Each token entitles the holder to a 6 bottle case of Titanic Distillery Whiskey.


Good investments often come in the form of establishing ownership of rare products and holding onto those products as the supply continues to drop, or the quality continues to improve.


In order to ensure complete transparency and to drive additional value to the assets, Caskcoin Belfast Limited will manage the miniting, issueing and deployment of tokens on the polygon chain.

401 Club X offer

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